



テーマ    高熱・頭痛 







 患部の赤み、高熱、接触や急な動作に対する非常に敏感な反応などが 見られる。


 ズキズキする痛み、発熱、ほてりなどの突発性の症状が出る子供の感 染症ほとんどに対応する。

 患者は、もたれかかって横になったり、軽い食事をとったりすると楽 になる。

 ベラドンナは耳や喉の感染症状、特にリンパ腺の腫れや痛みを和らげ る作用がある。
 熱を持ちずきずきと痛むおでき(ねぶと)や腫れ物(アブセス、膿  瘍)など、触れただけでも痛む皮膚疾患の初期症状にも対応する。
 激しい痛みを伴う炎症や、急な動作や圧迫によって悪化したあらゆる 急性症状を緩和する。


 偏頭痛の痛みは後頭部から始まり、右眉の周りに広がり、眼の奥まで 達する。
 子供や乳幼児は自分でうまく症状を説明できないので、両親は観察が 重要である。




Japanese Encephalitis Controlled by Homeopathic Belladonna

Japanese encephalitis is a deadly viral disease that kills approximately 10,000 people each year. A significant number of survivors are left with neurological problems such as impaired cognitive function, mental disorders, seizures, and poor coordination.

While Japanese encephalitis is most common in south-east Asia, including India, cases are also reported as far afield as the Torres Strait Islands, the Pacific islands and Australia.

Homeopaths have long known that the Japanese encephalitis virus can be treated and prevented by homeopathic Belladonna. Individual practitioners and some government health agencies in affected areas have used it for that purpose for decades.[1]

Now, a recent study published in the latest issue of American Journal of Infectious Diseases provides scientific support for the protective effect of homeopathic Belladonna.

Researchers from the School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata in collaboration with Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (under the Department of AYUSH, Government of India) have shown that Belladonna, in a range of homoeopathic potencies, was successful in controlling the virus in infected chick embryos. The placebo was not.[2]

With many of those in affected regions too poor to afford the cost of a vaccine, homeopathic Belladonna is an appropriate alternative. It is safe, simple, and inexpensive.


1. In one examplePublic Health Centres, Government Homeopathic Dispensaries, homoeopathic pharmacies, and homoeopathic doctors distributed and administered homeopathic Belladonna during a Japanese encephalitis epidemic in Southern India in 2000. In this epidemic there had been a high number of fatalities in children. Following the administration of Belladonna there was a rapid decline in fatalities. The Hindu Online. 2003. Japanese Encephalitis on the decline in State.

2. Belladonna Study: Decreased Intensity of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Infection in Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane Under Influence of Ultradiluted Belladonna Extract