The herb Delphinium
Staphysagria, with mauve-blue to blue flowers grows to just over one metre tall and is native to Asia and the southern regions of Europe. It is also known as Larkspur or Lice-bane because of
its herbal use in killing body lice.
The homeopathic remedy, Staphysagria, is prepared from the seeds of the plant, and suits those who are mild, submissive and suppress their emotions. Confrontation is difficult but when they do become angry they are likely to tremble, choke on swallowing, stammer, or throw things. Someone in a Staphysagria state feels worse after an afternoon nap, is prone to sexual fantasies, cystitis and styes. Staphysagria is one of the best remedies for incised wounds (wounds with straight, clean edges). It stimulates healing and relieves pain, even in old scars of incised wounds.
Common Uses
When the remedy matches the symptoms, Staphysagria has the ability to treat conditions such as cerebrovascular accidents, chorea, connective tissue disorders, cystitis, depression, eneuresis, headaches, haemorrhoids, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, orchitis, post-surgical pain, psoriasis, strabismus, styes, and tics.
Lippe says:
Anger and indignation, with pushing or throwing away of what one holds in his hand.
Justifiable ill-humor over what has happened or has been done by oneself ; weeping and dejected over the supposed ill consequences of it.
Continuous grief and anxiety about the future.
Hypochondria and Hysteria after unmerited insults (or sexual excesses), with complaints of flatulence.
Weakness of memory.
Hypochondriacal indifference (after onanism).
Paralysis on one side from anger.
Twitches at night.
Stiffness and sensation of fatigue in all the joints in the morning.
The muscles are painful to the touch, and the joints on motion.
Bad effects from the abuse of Mercury.
Aggravation from anger, grief, sorrow, mortification caused by offences ; from loss of fluids ; from masturbation ; from sexual excesses ; from touching the affected parts ; from tobacco ;
from the abuse of Mercury.
Amelioration after breakfast.
Hering says:
Want of memory and heavy weight between eyes.
Child throws or pushes things away indignantly.
Indifference, low-spirited, dulness of mind ; after onanism.
Hypochondriacal, apathetic, with weak memory ; caused by unmerited insults ; sexual excesses, or by persistently dwelling on sexual subjects.
Very sensitive to least impression ; the least word that seems wrong, hurts her.
Fretful peevishness, with excessive ill humor.
Great indignation about things done by others or by himself ; grieves about the consequences.
Ailments from indignation with vexation, or reserved displeasure.
Stiffness and sensation of fatigue in all the joints, on motion.
Painful swelling of glands.
Bones, especially those of the fingers, imperfectly developed.
Swelling and suppuration of bones and of periosteum ; shooting, tearing, or boring pains.
Arthritic nodosities on joints.
Nash says:
Cross, ugly, scrawny, pot-bellied children; subject to colic; < after food or drink. Extreme hunger even when stomach is full of food.
Styes, nodosities, chalazæ, on eyelids, one after another, sometimes ulcerating.
Burning in the urethra when not urinating; very sensitive to slightest mental impressions; least action or harmless word offends.
Bad effects from sexual abuse; mind dwelling continually on sexual subjects.
Teeth decay early in children; cannot be kept clean.
Sensation as if stomach and abdomen were hanging down, relaxed; craving for tobacco.